Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday March 25 2015: Sheriff Richard Mack

 Acclimating America to a standing army
-- Date: 03/25/2015 --
-Today -
On this Wednesday, March 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we continue our coverage of the ongoing attempt to acclimate the American people to the idea that it is perfectly normal to have a standing army in its midst. We also look at the absurdity of political correctness as it continues to normalize and make socially acceptable obesity, the effort to make trendy real-time GPS tracking and the move to control the news flow on Facebook, and a vote in the House to send lethal aid to Ukraine as tension increases between NATO and Russia. On today’s global transmission we talk with Sheriff Mack, the founder of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and who established the County Sheriff Project movement. Mack was a Libertarian candidate for United States Senate in Arizona in 2006 and received national attention for initiating Mack v. United States, a lawsuit stating that the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act violated the Constitution.

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1 comment:

  1. I post alex jones shows and information on Google+, but I get no feedback, whatsoever...Google+ is completely asleep...
