Wednesday, March 18, 2015

PROPHECY ALERT: "Netanyahu Great Victory May Bring Psalms 83"

 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu may have stopped the 2-State solution but now will the enemies of Israel start the Psalm 83 War?

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. The white horse was beautiful magnificent but how UGLY was the stupid "dancing" like zombies on hallucinations UGLY UGLY UGLY - same as Mylie Cyrus - WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT SHE MUST BE TO HER PARENTS, FAMILy & friends(if she has any true friends - probably satan) Also, MEDUSA(madddoona) WHAT AN UGLY PIECE OF SH..

  2. yes, should all be flushed down the sewer!!!! along with the elite!! and don't forget the central bankers and leaders(leeches)and useless parliamentarians of most countries Oh ! and don't forget the paedephile magistrate and judges who protect the paedephile friends

  3. Hitler got 44% but this Nazi got only 30%. Time to destroy the racist entity and convert to democracy just like South Africa. Let's see an end to this racist gang on stolen Palestinian land.
    This religious clown talks out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. A typical religious fruit cake from the land of fruits and nuts. I hope some murderous clowns remove him and his type from their land.

    Let's put Israel in a jam and remove it from the stolen land. Israel did not exist before 1948.

    Iran has never attacked another country in 300 years, Israel attacks all its neighbors all the time and Israel has nuclear weapons and threatens the world with them.
