Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Modern Slavery - Trafficking in Human Beings

Slavery was practiced for millennia, from Ancient times to transatlantic slave trade and slavery within the colonies. In 18th century, the strong abolitionist movement started which called for the abolition of slavery. In 19th century, slavery was abolished in Europe. This included the British Empire, where the Slavery Abolition Act was enacted in 1833. In 20th century, an international treaty called The Slavery Convention 1926 was created, prohibiting the practice of slavery. In 1948 the first international human rights instrument- the Universal Declaration of Human Rights- was adopted. It states that ‘All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights and it prohibits slavery in all its forms’. Although slavery is legally prohibited, it continues in 21st century. Trafficking in human beings or THB is a form of modern slavery. It is a crime, which also has a strong human rights dimension. In short, it involves the recruitment of the victim and their transportation to another state or within the same state for the purposes of exploitation. THB is defined in the 2003 Protocol to the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children. Trafficking involves three elements. The Act, The Means and The Purpose. THB is a process that involves several stages and several perpetrators.

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