Thursday, March 26, 2015

Jim Rickards -- The Coming Collapse of The Global Monetary System

Air Date: March 25th, 2015 , Jim Rickards: When A Panic Starts No Amount Of Reserves Is Enough

 The coming collapse of the global monetary system will not have occurred by chance, no, it is entirely by design. This has been little more than a robbery. A robbery on a scale never before seen. A robbery carried out by the criminal moneylenders who hide in the shadows behind our central banks. Central banks, which when you look closely at how they actually came into being, were created after long bouts of murders, corruption, and general terrorism. You see, central banks are actually created in order to enslave entire nations within a web of debt. A web of debt which is also designed to be inescapable. A state of 'perpetual slavery'. 

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