Thursday, March 5, 2015

IRS Giving Refunds to Illegals Who Never Paid Taxes, But No Travel If YOU Owe

Yup, you read the title correctly. The IRS has decided that if you have a social security number you can ask for, and get, a tax refund in the form of a tax credit nicknamed the ‘Amnesty Bonus’.

Illegal immigrants that have already broken the laws of this country get enough rewards without giving them a cut of the tax dollars that United States citizens have scrimped and gone without to pay. We really do live in the land of the free. Providing you weren’t born here, providing you are not a hard working American that lives by the laws of the land, you can get almost anything free. Maybe we should hide our kids’ paperwork, rename them Juanita or Jose and wait for all the freebies to start rolling in.

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