Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hyperinflation Guaranteed -- Rob Kirby

Rob Kirby- Crackup Boom & Hyperinflation Guaranteed

Rob Kirby of KirbyAnalytics.com thinks all the current world problems come down to just one thing. Kirby says, “It all boils back to the money. And it all boils back to the notion we don’t have honest money because when you have honest money, these excesses don’t occur. Things cleanse themselves, and that is the virtue and the merit of the old relic, the gold standard, because it is honest commerce. When you have honest commerce, generally people are peaceful and get along with each other on a fair basis. Equal value for equal value for exchange of goods, not one country with the God given right to print money to buy the world’s output with freshly created out of thin air fiat money. It’s dishonest commerce. Dishonest commerce is at the root of all the problems we are facing in the world.”

Kirby goes on to say, “You look at the math that is involved with fiat money and compounding interest. The life cycle of that system shows that money is created in its early life that is slow and gradual upward to the right. At some point, it inflects and it grows vertically. We are on the vertical part of the curve now. Things that go straight up are not sustainable. . . . what we will experience at some point, and I believe this is a mathematical certainty. We will have a crackup--boom. There will be a hyperinflation, and that outcome is guaranteed. It’s a sealed fate.”

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