Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fukushima Meltdown -- All of Japan's nuclear power plants are currently off line

 Fukushima & Japan Wiggling Nuclear Reactors Update 3/25/15

 Business Leaders Says 20% Nuclear Power Needed Mar. 25, 2015
A group of business leaders in Japan is proposing that nuclear power supply at least 20 percent of the country's energy needs by 2030.
The nuclear accident at Fukushima four years ago has prompted Japan to reconsider how it produces electricity.
Government officials, politicians and business leaders, as well as academics and civic groups, are working on the problem. They are trying to figure out what mix of energy sources could meet the country's needs.
Officials with the Japan Association of Corporate Executives say nuclear power will be needed as a base-load energy source for some time to come.
They say it's unlikely that renewable resources such as wind and solar power will supply more than 30 percent of energy needs by 2030.
They say Japan will probably have to rely on nuclear power for 20 percent or more of its energy needs.
Before the 2011 accident, nuclear power supplied 28 percent.
All of Japan's nuclear power plants are currently off line.

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