Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fukushima Fallout WORLDWIDE

 The Tibetian Plateau is registering more radiation than during the nuclear bomb test in the 1960's

This just makes me sick. When Chernobyl happened they jumped on it right away dumping sand and other chemicals to try to stop it. They had fire trucks spraying water on it. Even though the firemen all died the first night they kept on until it was completely covered. Now that's how you try to save your people. The Japanese are cowards, they don't care about their people. The radio active bags of dirt are hauled to the other side of Japan and burned....I'll bet a lot of people don't know that. The Japanese government has done nothing in 4 years to contain this, an outrage! All the governments of the world should be outraged, all the people of the world are outraged. It's almost as if they have let this go on purpose. You have to wonder.

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