Thursday, March 5, 2015

Fukushima Disaster -- Secrecy Hiding Radioactive Leak

Fukushima Secrecy Hiding Radioactive Leak, Dead Cows & Sick Sea Lions update 3/5/15

Towns hosting nuclear plants in Fukushima have lodged a protest with the operator of the plants over failing to disclose some radioactive water leaks from Fukushima Daiichi into the sea.
Tokyo Electric Power Company is facing heavy criticism over its handling of tainted water that collected on the rooftop of the No.2 reactor building at the Daiichi plant. The water is believed to have been spilling into the sea through a drainage channel.
Tokyo Electric was aware that the levels of radioactive substances in the channel rise whenever it rains. But it didn't make the information public until last month.
Naraha Town Mayor Yukiei Matsumoto, who is also the representative of the 4 towns hosting the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini plants, visited Tokyo Electric's head office on Thursday.
Matsumoto told the utility's president Naomi Hirose it's extremely regrettable that the latest development has profoundly undermined trust in the company among locals.
Matsumoto said securing the overall safety of the nuclear plants, including the issue of contaminated water, is the first step in efforts to rebuild from the 2011 nuclear accident.
He handed Hirose a letter of protest, in which the municipalities demand the company swiftly disclose information and enhance the awareness of its employees.
Hirose offered his apologies for repeatedly causing concerns among local people. He vowed the company will take thorough measures to prevent a recurrence.

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