Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fed Not Patient and Confused on Interest Rates

 I predicted that the meddling Obama supporters were doing in Israel would backfire, and it did-- big time. Netanyahu won, so now what? A Palestinian peace deal has moved to a back burner. Some in the press have reported Netanyahu has cancelled the so-called two state solution to form a Palestinian state. That is not really accurate. Netanyahu said that “under prevailing conditions” the two state peace deal in not going to get done.

Meanwhile, the Obama Administration is pushing to get a deal done with Iran to curtail its nuclear program that it has repeatedly said is for the peaceful production of energy. Israel isn’t buying it and says the Obama deal will allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. The Obama Administration has not fully and publicly disclosed the deal. Some think that, too, will be something the Obama Administration will take directly to the U.N. and bypass Congress.

That brings us to the Federal Reserve announcement that it will be dropping the word “patient” in its forward guidance when it comes to interest rates. This is the word my friend Gregory Mannarino focused on last week and said if the Fed dropped that word, then the markets would sell off. Maybe Fed Head Janet Yellen listens to this show because she also said, “Just because we removed the word patient from the statement doesn’t mean we are going to be impatient.” Does the Fed know how weak and confused it looks?

Join Greg Hunter of as he looks at these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

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