Sunday, March 15, 2015

Earth Changes, Planet X Nibiru and the Moon March 2015

 Planet X Nibiru : Increased sightings of another planetary body in our solar system. People will begin to see it near the sun at as the sun is setting. NASA has altered many photographs to prevent us from knowing the truth of Planet X, a brown-dwarf, that entered our solar system several years ago.

Earthquakes will be felt in places not usually associated with earthquakes as our planet wobbles and is stretched along major faults. The earthquakes, sinkholes, and other anomalies will continue to escalate as we move into 2016. The major powers of the world know our earth could pole shift at any time, and have been preparing for this event for several years. Extreme weather will continue worldwide--drought, flash floods, huge waves, volcanic activity, hurricanes, tornadoes, fierce winds. No place will be untouched says Betsey Lewis.

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