Thursday, March 5, 2015

BUSTED! Parents Of "Jihadi John" Say They CANNOT CONFIRM ITS HIM - Emhazi The Patsie?

Well, well, the latest twist in the Jihadi John/CrISIS Isis saga, and this time we have the parents of Mohammad Emhazi, the man accused of being the Islamic States chief beheader, claiming that THEY CANNOT CONFIRM HIS IDENTITY!

Now, this caught my attention, as it was just the other day on the show we covered the fact that the Daily Mail reported that his mother on watching the first beheading video took only seconds to identify her son! At the time we suggested it would be impossible, even for a mother, to i.d. anyone with their face covered and voice altered! And it would seem we were right!

Ghaneye Emhazi is saying through his lawyer that they never claimed that they could confirm his i.d. nor did the family say all the things attributed to them in the Daily Fail article - on the contrary, they are going to sue the publications around the world that printed these lies - lies that were designed to convince the public of the veracity of the story, i mean, who would question his own mother, right? right?

CrISIS ISIS & Jihadi John will be coming to a screen near you real soon, that much i do know.

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