Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Blackhole World Economy Coming -- Andrew Hoffman

Collapsing global economy
-IMF reduced global GDP forecast, World Bank warned of global jobs crisis
-China, worst GDP growth since 2008, worst capex growth since 2001, negative yoy electricity outpout
-Japan, all economic data dramatically revised downward last week, Abenomics to end in April with Japanese economy/inflation (i.e., the "Misery Index") at multi-decade lows-
-Europe - QE set to start next month and NIRP expanding to the point it may catalyze bank runs (i.e., backdoor bail-ins) - Article - "WE ARE AT THE LOWER BOUND"
Secession - - 1.8 million Catalonians rallied Friday for secession, 25% of Spanish tax revnues -Majority of Venetians favor secession, 10% of Italian GDP -Scotland 50% odds of "yes" vote Wednesday, would destabilize all of Europe (and Scotland would own 90% of North Sea oil revenues) Articles: "SECESSIONIST MOVEMENTS GAINING MOMENTUM"; "WEST TO EAST, GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE"; "COMMODITY CRASH"
-"Strengthening dollar" fallacy, as emerging market - and ALL - currencies plummeting, per the expansion of the "FINAL CURRENCY WAR" circa 2011-12 that keeps gaining momentum. Articles: "THE LOWEST INFLATION IN FIVE YEARS"; "THE SINGLE MOST PRECIOUS METALS BULLISH FACTOR"; "IF A NUCLEAR BOMB DESTROYED EUROPE…" (publishing today) -COMEX manipulation, as silver open interest explodes despite plunging prices - Harvey Organ believes Chinese no longer able to source metal, end is nigh -Russian sanctions, upcoming blowback (especially with Ruble at all-time low) -FOMC meeting Wednesday, ECB TLTRO uptake announcement Wednesday, Scottish vote Thursday

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