Friday, March 13, 2015

Bill C-51 will End Free Speech in Canada -- NATIONWIDE Protests Tomorrow !

 Prime Minister Stephen Harper is set on taking away the rights of Canadian Citizens in the name of protection with the new Bill c-51, empowering government institutions and diminishing the voice of the people. On Saturday, March 14th, 2-5 pm EST 2014, we humbly ask you to join the #Twitterstorm #stopc51 and let the House Of Commons know that we, the people, find this Bill to be despicable and simply unacceptable.

Keep the True North strong and free - say no to #billc51 #opc51 #stopc51 #stopharper #cdnpoli

We say no to #harper taking away our voice. ##billc51 #opc51 #stopc51 #stopharper #cdnpoli

A terrorist isn't stopped by silencing the citizen. #billc51 #opc51 #stopc51 #stopharper #cdnpoli

#Edwardsnowden compares Canadian #billc51 to the U.S Patriot Act. Say no to #c51 #op_c51 #stopc51 #stopharper #cdnpoli

"The weakest oversight in the Western World" #EdwardSnowden on #billc51 #c51 #opc51 #stopc51 #stopharper #cdnpoli

#Toronto city hall, noon. Gather with free citizens to demand we stay free. #billc51 #c51 #opc51 #stopc51 #stopharper #cdnpoli Find your city, and join the voices saying no to #c51 #stopc51 #cdnpoli #opc51

"A whiff of totalitarianism" Canadians say NO to #billc51 #c51 #c51dayofaction #opc51 #stopc51 #cdnpoli

The government of Canada does not believe in Citizen privacy. Say NO to #billc51 #c51 #c51dayofaction #stopc51 #cdnpoli

"Reckless, Dangerous and Ineffective" We don't need CSIS secret police! #c51 #stopc51 #c51dayofaction #cdnpoli #opc51

This isn't about terrorists, its about us. Fight #c51 #stopc51 #billc51 #stopharper #cdnpoli #opc51

Amnesty international fears loss of human rights. Say no to #c51 #stopc51 #billc51 #stopharper #cdnpoli #opc51

2 out of 3 Canadians polled are outraged by this bill. Speak up. #c51 #stopc51 #cdnpoli #opc51

#stopc51 is a citizens effort to decline the offer of secret spying in Canada. #c51 #cdnpoli #opc51

#BillC51 is the antithesis of what it means to be Canadian #StopC51.
#OpC51 #CdnPoli #Canada #C51DayOfAction

We stand for democracy, we will not let them attack our rights. It's time to fight back. #StopC51 #OpC51 #C51DayOfAction #CdnPoli

Today, March 14, we as Canadians are putting our foot down #StopC51
#BillC51 #OpC51 #CdnPoli

We urge every single citizen of this country to join the national fight before it is too late.
#StopC51 #OpC51 #CdnPoli #C51DayOfAction

We, the people, will not be intimidated by Harper, nor will we be threatened. We will not let #BillC51 come to be.
#OpC51 #StopC51 #CdnPoli

We will not forgive and we will not forget this attack to our fundamental rights in this attempt to limit them.
#StopC51 #OpC51 #CdnPoli

#BillC51 Could be used to target activists and other truth seekers #StopC51
#OpC51 #CdnPoli #C51DayOfAction

We deserve better than to be spied on, threatened and marginalized by our own government.
#OpC51 #StopC51 #CdnPoli #C51DayOfAction Although we freely provide these, you are welcome to use them as you see fit, or completely create your own.. Just be sure to include hash tags #opc51,#cdnpoli, #stopc51 #stopharper, #c51dayofaction, etc, so that it trends enough to reach the Canadian

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