Sunday, February 8, 2015

WARNING -- Your Samsung TV is Watching You

 As earlier reported by Paul Joseph Watson of, certain models of Samsung's newest "smart" TVs include terms of service language and privacy policies that contain a shocking new warning. Users personal conversations will be recorded by the TV if voice recognition features were enabled. called further attention to this egregious privacy violation with an article likening Samsung's newest features to the omnipotent telescreens in George Orwell's novel, 1984.

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1 comment:

  1. If they are just wanting to bring this out on TV
    Consider they are doing it strongly with all other forms of communications
    Such as all phones or any other communication
    That means they are looking at everything you send or type on your computers
    They are all just plain nosy
    And are jealous of what they haven't done or got for themselves.
    That means if you put something online that they see you have designed and built
    Expect that someone else has just put in a patent for your product. Ask what else they can use or do to you.
