Thursday, February 12, 2015

Warning: This Video Will Shock You! Are You Ready? 2015 BIGGEST EVENT IN HISTORY

66 books in the Bible.  Israel is now 66 years old to this date. About 3 1/2 years left before Israel turns 70.  Is it so in our face we cant see it?  Bible says that the generation that see Israel reestablished as a nation will see the return of Christ.  Now we have this 2nd Blood Moon coming up next month 8th of Oct.
Jesus came back . Israel came back to Life after its death  200 years ago.
So many people having dreams of the Rapture.
With Ebola Isis and our 44th Gay President.  Israel had only 44 Kings and it was under the 44th King the nation was destroyed because it turned from God.
This second Blood moon is very significant.
So So much more to be said. And those who are looking see them. 

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