Friday, February 27, 2015

Ukraine at Risk of Slipping into Nuclear War

 Could the Ukraine crisis turn into a nuclear war? Former Russian advisor to Margret Thatcher, John Browne, contends, “This would have a very high risk of slipping into nuclear war. Russia has enormous ground forces, and they are very up to date. Putin has updated the Russian armed forces tremendously. They have very sophisticated rocket weapons, and if we saw massive numbers of our troops being slaughtered, maybe we would be the first to press the nuclear button. . . . So, this is a desperate situation.”

On the Greece bailout crisis, Browne says, “Germany has exerted its force. Basically, they have a four month reprieve, but even the funds that will come in on Tuesday of this week, they are going to have monitoring which the Greeks have accepted. They said they would never accept monitoring, and they have accepted monitoring and have accepted conditions. . . . Germany has won.”

On the U.S. economy, Browne says, “I think things are slipping because we have leadership of an appalling bad quality. . . . What could go wrong? Reality sets in.”

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1 comment:

  1. the old chap is honest however subtile, what he means is a war amongst brothers, russians themselves. the fog of war is in fact the north that is threatened, clovis is not around and the gods of the south JESUS, JEWS and ISLAM, somehow are clashing with this archetype. confuse as expected, as thor is far away from jesus, somehow closer to plato.
