Sunday, February 15, 2015

The War Against Putin -- Mike King

Mike King -- The War Against Putin

S y n o p s i s

In the West, politicians and journalists of all stripes have referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin as a "thug", a "tyrant", a "murderer", a "Communist", a "Nazi", the next "Hitler" and more.

But amongst the Russian people, his popularity rating has reached levels as high as 85%. There is even a very popular hit 'disco' song about him - 'A Man Like Putin'.

So, who's right? Why such hatred for Vladimir Putin? Is it justified? Or has Putin been targeted merely for standing up the US-EU Axis of Internationalism?

This interview takes you through 'crash course' journey from Russia's Medieval founding, through the days of the Czars, through the Communist Revolution and bloody Civil War, through Stalin & World War II, through the Cold War, through the Soviet collapse, through the Yeltsin disaster, and finally the Putin-led rebirth of the Russian nation.

It is one of the "greatest stories never told", and will shed badly needed light on the new Russia, its dynamic leader, the dark forces aiming to bring about its demise, and maybe even World War III.

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  1. The political cretins in the west are angry because Vladimir is beating them hands down! Russia can be proud of their leader! Can Brits, Yanks or Yids be so inclined?

    1. As a Christian I have seen that Premier Putin is the only world leader that defends Christianity.

      He wears a Cross, brags about building a new Church in Russia every month and is the only world leader that I have heard mention the name of Jesus

  2. kiev is not jerusalem neither moscow palestine.
