Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Truth About The Greek Crisis

Chris Duane talks about the battle against the Banksters in Greece, Italy and Spain as the EU falls apart.

I want to explain what we would observe in Greece if just one single high level banking insider broke from the cabal and shared a word of advice with the new leadership there about how to instantly fix the financial mess they've inherited. Do you know how the elites in America and Europe open up banks? Well, as is demonstrated in the banker handbook 'Modern Money Mechanics' published by the Federal Reserve of Chicago, they pool together a handful of their own unsecured promissory notes registered via the Uniform Commercial Code of Delaware or a few other jurisdictions, and in doing so declare to the public that they have a fully funded capital account. In essence, they've loaned themselves the cash. That's the "brilliance" of the fractional reserve/fiat money banking system. This is just to illustrate the way the Greeks, or nation, can easily overcome their predicament (aside from an interest-free gold loan from the BRICS/China/Dragons, which actually could be closer than we think). All the citizens get together and sign promissory notes that they are living humans able to give value to a piece of paper with a signature, and voila, they have a fully funded treasury. I know it sounds crazy but that is, quite literally, how things work at the top. It's so simple none of the little people can believe it's true. Do the right thing, Syriza! Take the easy way out!

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