Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Elite's Pill that will Kill Freewill

 I tried to put as much into this video as I could to show what the Ultimate Agenda is! The Pill and Beats are so much more than you think,its part a much bigger game! Please share and reload if you need to, you have full permission from N68! People who try to understand Illuminati,NWO,Freemasons and Secret Societies symbolism without WHO CHRIST IS...have it all wrong. The Key to understanding their language and why they do what they do is because of who Jesus Christ is and what he did!
Also included some new tracks in this one.
Thanks to all for your patients!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. le conséquences de la servitude de la France a Washington, l’Europe est une continent soumis a Washington, et l’Europe ce le forum pour des gladiateurs de l'empire romain américain, la France ne existe pas uniquement dans le medias concrètement cet une nation piloté par Washington. le resultat nation aveugle car ce L'OTAN - NATO qui contrôle tout. "opération gladio" même votre pense..! les medias, tout..!!
