Saturday, February 7, 2015

Secret Military Technology : In Search of A Mysterious Russian Submarine

Dozens of dead dolphins and whales have been washed ashore in Scotland. Environmentalists blame a military operation to detect a suspected Russian submarine. Investigative journalist Tony Gosling says that operations like this are an embarrassment for the security services.

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1 comment:

  1. the main problem of our planet today is Washington, America is not the west is not western culture it is a branch a child of western culture, which is not the same is not G W bush that discovered America in 1492, American speak an European language they do not have their own national language, “they killed the real Americans and keep them in concentration camps” they are call the roman empire but they have not a clue of what the roman empire is all about, it is just ww1 and 2 and AIPAC that has destroyed civilization and has impose a AIPAC world, where America ruled by Israeli "holocaust" can make Europeans guilty of a crime that the Americans and bankers manufacture, the 1913 Jekyll’s island is no different than the HITLER holocaust, same folks created, same folks brought in the solution, therefore these AIPAC folks dislike that fact as the Rothschild’s dislike to be told that they are not really any nobility at all; they are just common bankers, simple folks, they hate those that created Europe and even more the families that have construct western civilization during the high middle ages, they use Israel as a leverage and they do it now. They use America "American citizens" the AIPAC paperclip as paperclip is an AIPAC operation. And the citizens are the servants of these schemes as is Hollywood. This ignorant mafia believe that wealth will give them knowledge it cannot, and never will knowledge the knowledge they seek is from long ago, and only those families that once had it were able to transmitted to their siblings, here the Rothschild’s, the Rockefellers and Getty’s and Walmart’s, gates, and warrant buffet are not included, they are a product of industrialization not of culture nobility & civilization; refinement: they are the boys of apple tv, and computer gadgets not the man of knowledge and understanding. And this reality these frustrated monetary elites are unable to comprehend even less accept. So they buy presidents create wars and destroy nations, with the purpose of destroying their history their identity, and that is what they have done in the middle east and hope to do to Iran and Russia, as is this fact this culture this history that they will never have that derange them. Carpet bombing is to destroy culture and civilization past civilizations, so the new republic shall resemble to a new prefabricated realm made in the 1900, But they will always be what they are simple folks of the industrial revolution.
