Thursday, February 5, 2015

Saudi Arabia The Financier of Global Terror

The invasion of Iraq has fuelled anti-western sentiment in Saudi Arabia, strengthening grassroots’ support for terrorist organisations.

Allan Gerson has sued Saudi charities, banks and members of the royal family for two trillion dollars. He accuses them of financing the September 11 attacks and Bali bombing: “We have seen evidence of money that went from Saudi sources through various entities in Europe to support terrorist cells.” These allegations are strenuously denied by Crown Prince Abdullah, ruler of Saudi Arabia. However, there is a growing gulf between the governing elite and their subjects and many Saudis are angered by America’s unwavering support for Israel. “The more the Palestinians are oppressed and the more the Americans support Israel, the more popular bin Laden and his like becomes,” explains Saudi writer Sulayman Al-Hattlan. “Osama stood up for people who were quiet ... He told the States I'm not afraid of you,” admires one student. Her friend agrees: “If Bush makes us choose between our religion or hurting our people, we're going to choose our religion.” Images of the bombing of Baghdad can only galvanise support for Islamic fundamentalists prepared to bank-roll Al-Qaeda.

ABC Australia - Ref 1555

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  1. Saudi cannot hold a candle to the US of A

    1. OOooh!!! there are some awfully disturbed people in the U.S. as well - many of the ELITE , ILLUMINATI like Rockefellars (German) Rothschild - means red shield - they established & used this Salvation Army emblem, the red shield as a shield for drug trade(German) AND MANY OF THE INDUSTRIALISTS (FORD-who supplied hitler with cars & trucks for his army) & CENTRAL BANKS, who aided and abetted HITLER'S WAR. (DUTCH SHELL which supplied gas and special additive for german's warplanes- unavailable anywhere else- STOP in SUPPLY would have grounded the german warplanes early in the war - thus dutch shell extended the war and the genocide of millions and suffering of humanity.
      don't forget THE SKULL& BONES SET of EVIL (majority of presidents) multinational corp. etc.etc.

  2. end of this billionaires that is the problem mismanagement inequalities extremes, barbarism. these saudi kingdoms of qatar, saudi kingdom and the lot must end soon, the good way or the bad way. petrodollars corruption and economical instability. there is no other choice the middle east leaders are now under surveillance

  3. These filthy bastards - the extreme cruelty displayed towards God's creatures is an indictment to these people-GOD DOES NOT TOLERATE CRUELTY, TO PEOPLE OR CREATURES - THEY ARE DOING SATAN'S WORK(did you know that voicing ABDULLAH the GREAT is actually CURSING GOD - it is a display of worshipping SATAN - Luciferians, bastardry at it's best is literally displayed here for all to see.

  4. yes, they apparently have not empathy for suffering - that is not what was taught in the Bible. There is a psychological disturbance about these people and a direct correlation of cruelty to animals which progresses to violence and murder against people. Forcing women to wear the hijab (a man-made rule -there is no mention made in the koran) purposely using lower case for the koran, because it is a book on filth - promoting savagery, abuse, paedephilia, rape of married women in war etc., etc.
