Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Paul Craig Roberts Interview with Jason Liosatos on the Outside The Box show Feb 4, 2015

 Paul Craig Roberts joins Jason Liosatos on the Outside The Box show to discuss Ukraine, its Washington backed Coup, and the provocation of Putin as Russia temps Greece and Europe to bail out of the shackles of the US dollar and hegemony, and join the Russian alliance gathering momentum.

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  1. GREECE: forget the euro-idiots they are toast, so is the us dollar, the BCE is the FED and the FED are private banks, tell europe that you exit the euro you join the BRIC nations, exit NATO-OTAN and ask russia to cut gas and petrol to europe sharp same way the have cut the liquidity to you, B) apply the victoria nulan dogma fuck the EU. c° ask germany italy and france that if they want gas and petrol they can buy it from you. so you see you win in al fronts, moscow, and china have the cash europe and the euro-idiots, are nowhere, so have no fear, you win, what ever you do. and forget the city of london is collapsing.

  2. basically compare the french comic dieudonne with BHL, and there we can understand the french justice system, even the charlie hebdo crimes are understandable as the philosopher BHL, promotes war against syria, and all the syrian jihadis from france go to syria to fight against the current syrian president and join the syrian opposition which is the camp that BHL supports and promotes. which now have become ISIS. puis l'ukraine et guerre nucleaire avec la russie et chine.
