Sunday, February 1, 2015

Origins of the Nephilim, Anunnaki and Reptilian Hybrids

 Paranormal investigator Scott Roberts talked about the pervasive presence of the serpent in human history, religion, and in the alien mythos of the Reptilians. He explored the idea that non-human intelligences, such as the Annunaki described by Zecharia Sitchin, visited and possibly created and controlled humans. Though the Annunaki weren't specifically described as being serpentine in appearance, he conjectured they could be Reptilians. A mythology, which may or may not be true, has been built up around the Reptilians-- that they dominated humankind in the ancient past, and continue to do so today from behind the scenes, he outlined. There may be anecdotal or circumstantial evidence regarding their presence, but it remains impossible to prove, he continued.

He also shared his research into the Nephilim and their origins. He explained that his investigation of the infamous entities focused on the language of the original Hebrew texts where they are described. As such, he dismissed the popular notion that the Nephilim were "fallen angels," since the entities are never given that moniker. Rather, they are said to be the result of a union between "watchers" and humans. Roberts theorized that the creation of the Nephilim could be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden and a dalliance between Eve and an entity metaphorically called a "serpent." As to the origins of these "visitors" who played a hand in creating the Nephilim, he acknowledged that they could have been spiritual beings, "minor Gods," or even extraterrestrials.

Nephilim are blamed for corrupting the human race by sharing forbidden knowledge with them, a theme appears in many creation stories. In light of this corruption, he surmised, the great flood of Noah's Ark lore was orchestrated not to punish the corrupt humans, but to wipe away the presence of the Nephilim on Earth. However, Roberts suggested that the Nephilim may still be on the planet as what we call "demons." He cited a passage in the book of Enoch which says that the "spirits" of the Nephilim that died in the flood remained on Earth.

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