Friday, February 6, 2015


Parents concerned about their vaccinated children potentially contracting measles from unvaccinated children may want to consider the fact that the bigger health threat is technically the vaccine, not the disease itself. Comparative data provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reveal that nobody has died from measles in more than 10 years, while at least 108 deaths reported in VAERS during the same time frame have been linked to measles vaccines.

Many of our older readers probably remember a time when measles wasn’t viewed with the obscene level of paranoid hysterics being witnessed today. Like chickenpox, measles was a common childhood infection that, after running its typically mild course, imparted lifelong immunity in those who contracted it. The risk of serious complications or death from measles has always been overwhelmingly minimal, in other words, with previous generations viewing it as something of a rite of passage.

Once again, the media is discarding factual reporting in favor of mindless sensationalism, attributing an alleged measles resurgence — even this claim is specious — to the unvaccinated. Whether or not this claim is actually true pales in importance compared to the fact that measles really isn’t much of a threat in the first place. The measles vaccine, on the other hand, is a whole different story.
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Responding to an outbreak of measles that has infected more than 100 people, two California lawmakers said on Wednesday they would introduce legislation to end the right of parents in the state to exempt their children from school vaccinations based on personal beliefs. The measure would make California the 33rd state to bar parents from opting out of vaccinations based on personal beliefs.

My father’s sister Mary died from measles when she was 6 years old. Her death haunted my grandparents for the rest of their lives. She was one of thousands who died each year from measles before there was a vaccine to prevent this life-threatening disease. Anyone born before 1978, but especially those born prior to 1958, may want to get a vaccination The current push for MMR vaccines is bringing forth an uncomfortable realization for many in the United States; Our medical system – not individual doctors and practitioners – isn’t actually concerned about our health. Rather, it wants to exert its will upon an obedient population. Vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease

Many have speculated, but now a top federal health official is confirming that the outbreak of measles traced to several Disney theme parks was likely caused by a foreign visitor or an American who had recently returned from a trip outside the country. California's measles outbreak has climbed to 91 confirmed cases, prompting a vicious attack from USA Today contributor Alex Berezow against "anti-vaxxers." The sudden outbreak of measles across the United States raises questions about how the disease arrived in the country after it was eradicated here in 2000.

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