Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Illuminati & New World Order - Conspiracy or Reality? [2014 Full Documentary]

 An amazing documentary on the never ending question: Does the Illuminati really exist?

Without Government there would be no income tax, there would be no sales tax, there would be no corporate monopolies, there would be no inflation, you would make 10x more without government. The poorest people would have more money than the people among us that are considered rich today. Depression of the people only occurs when people are allowed to RULE other people and take advantage of them! There would be no economically depressed people if Government didn't exist! The problem is NOT capitalism, look back at the days before capitalism there was still people ruling other people and the people still starved.. Look at North Korea, a COMMUNIST COUNTRY, people are still starving in the streets and taken advantage of at every corner. In the society I am speaking of, a strictly capitalist society there would be no rulers, everything would be voluntary and you'd have your freedom as well, there would be no classes and people better off than other people because there would be no one ruling you taking advantage of you. Nobody would be making the rules and killing you and threatening to put you in a cage like an animal if you don't listen. If you don't understand what I am saying than we are DOOMED as a society. Allowing people to control you with violence and take advantage of you, results in PEOPLE CONTROLLING YOU AND TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOU. It's not rocket science!

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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