Monday, February 23, 2015

How Hillary Clinton just took tons of filthy Money from Saudi Arabia and UAE

Hillary Clinton’s Foundation accepts funds from UAE and Saudi Arabia

 The Clinton Foundation recently lifted its self-imposed ban on receiving money from foreign countries. It imposed the ban in 2009 when Hillary became the Secretary of State, but lifted the ban when she left that office. Now, she is hovering up money from all corners of the globe - just in time for her presidential campaign. The Resident discusses.

Hillary Clinton is apparently planning to run for President of the United States. And some think it's inappropriate the Clinton Foundation accepts funding from other countries while she's mulling a possible campaign. The Clinton Foundation has defended its practice of accepting money from overseas governments like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Germany, and Canada. They stopped receiving foreign support while Clinton was Secretary of State, but once she left in 2013 the foundation dropped the ban. But CF still receives money as Hillary is almost certain to run for President. Cenk Uygur, political commentator and Host of the Young Turks Channel is In the Now.

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  1. Finally Europe is gaining independence, however economic independence from the dollar as reserve currency is imperative to achieve real freedom and hope to implement democracy. Even if democracy is not perfect at least ameliorated. Private property should not be exaggerated more than 100 million for any family is sufficient the rest goes to the needy the uneducated the state. Is the best way to equilibrate the many? Else many billionaires ruins the sport. Moreover uncontrollable amount of money on a few hands ruins creativity, as the psychology of power is determined by quantity of numbers. Numbers attributed to your wealth power of acquisition. What can you obtain? And this fact creates inequality, because the purpose is not the utility of the object but rather its rarity its uniqueness its privatization only on a few hands. Power is on the arts é literacies, which is the mirrors of the future consciously. Technology and ecology can be tools to balance the issue. Somehow balancing the extremes which has being for too long lop-sided.

  2. This woman is a piece of work. She is corrupt and a liar. I remember her lie about dodging sniper bullets at Tuzla airport and then we saw that by the time she arrived, everything was peaceful. The Europeans took over Kosovo as the Yanks were too bloody scared of body bags. This bitch did not even arrive until after the other yanks.
