Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Greece Resists IMF Swindle by Brother Nathanael

Big, big wishes for Greece and all the best in this endeavor! Let them show us how responsible people in government behave, how it's really suppose to be done! ...the Jewish bankers with their money are ambulance chasers. They manipulate countries with their paper bits, instruments of debt and slavery (money, no real value), and swoop in for the heist of natural resources (what is of real value), then corrupt the government in any way they can to make it totally dysfunctional so the people cannot stand against them. Such are the criminally insane.

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1 comment:

  1. GREECE: forget the euro-idiots they are toast, so is the us dollar, the BCE is the FED and the FED are private banks, tell europe that you exit the euro you join the BRIC nations, exit NATO-OTAN and ask russia to cut gas and petrol to europe sharp same way the have cut the liquidity to you, B) apply the victoria nulan dogma fuck the EU. c° ask germany italy and france that if they want gas and petrol they can buy it from you. so you see you win in al fronts, moscow, and china have the cash europe and the euro-idiots, are nowhere, so have no fear, you win, what ever you do. and forget the city of london is collapsing.
