Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dr. Thiel : Bible News Prophecy -- Jordan, Petra, and Armaggedon

 Dr. Thiel explains from the Bible where the people in Jordan came from as well as several prophecies related to them. Are those in Jordan going to betray the USA and Israel? Will Jordan more closely ally with the coming European Beast power than an Islamic one? Are Christians possibly going to be protected for 3 1/2 years in Jordan? How might 'Armaggedon' and the drying of the Euphrates affect Jordan? Will Jordan be taken over? Dr. Thiel gives answers from the Bible to these questions and more.
A written article of related interest is titled Jordan in Bible Prophecy"

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1 comment:

  1. There is not such a thing as international community, the truth serum is now in place, and this is the reason why NATO-OTAN Washington, has all their tactics reversed from 2001 up to now, the Washington regime and their IMF-BCE-FED-NATO-Washington-AIPAC mafia will always be failures no matter what the main media does, bankers or television internet, etc. However the idea is not to control minds of the population, neither of presidents, or ministers; the idea is that the population has a mind of their own, however the main media and Washington propaganda AIPAC, congress creates the disturbing problems such as ISIS, and other manipulations. We do not control peoples mind we just restructure the context the broad picture, so when Washington lies it is simply reversed (truth serum) however each individual mind is not affected, the aim is for them to think for themselves, not to have us think at their place; this plan exist from 1001, and now the result are showing. Besides if the masses the people do not act properly the consequences will fall on them, we will not intervene, as the purpose from 1001 was to have the masses think for themselves. Not to have one mind that rules all.
    however a yellowstone scenario is possible them 175 millions yaers will be gone to the bin, and we have to start the human experiment all over again, with more than 100 millions years less before humans manage to reach their path towards the outer solar system. so why put aside all those millions of years for nothing.. even if some agreed that the human experiment is not giving the desired results..
