Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Canadian Currency War?

 Canada’s currency has been falling in recent months. In January, the Bank of Canada slashed its benchmark rate to 0.75%. However, some are saying that it’s not the Bank of Canada who should be blamed for the tumbling currency but rather the economy. Canada is a major oil exporter, so the lower prices have meant a 3% decline in income. Erin weighs in.

Then, Erin talks with John Brynjolfsson – CIO of Armored Wolf. John tells us why North American oil frackers aren’t relenting on production and gives us his take on Canada, Australia, and a number of northern European countries having larger household debt than the US or UK at the peak of the credit bubble. On equities, John thinks the profit picture “troublesome” given the policy divergence between the Fed and other central banks.

After the break, Erin sits down with Frances Coppola – associate editor at Pieria and author of the blog “Coppola Comment.” Frances tells us the latest in the UK economy and housing market ahead of the May elections and gives us her take on what a Grexit could mean for the rest of the periphery.

And in The Big Deal, Erin is joined by Boom Bust producers Edward Harrison and Bianca Facchinei to discuss the future of computers and smartphones. ARM Holdings is predicting that mobile handsets will replace PCs as the principal computing device in two years. They would, since they make the CPUs powering those mobile devices. We think the move to mobile will proceed apace, but the two-year timeframe sounds aggressive. Take a look!

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