Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Anunnaki : The Advanced Extraterrestrial Civilization February 2015

 Marshall Klarfeld shares the theory of "washboard gold mining" by the advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the ANUNNAKI. When proven, this theory will turn the ancient archaeological community upside down!

Marshall Klarfeld, at a relatively young age, Biblical questions propelled him into a 40-year passionate pursuit of the history of the ANUNNAKI. His research has uncovered theories that challenge the scientific community. One discovery may rank as one of the Most Important Archaeological Finds of the 21st Century. Marshall's new "Mysteries of Alien Technology", Marshall exposes structural abnormalities in many iconic sites around the world. The pictures help prove why local populations did not build these structures. He shares ancient legends and unravels the myth of "Jason and the Golden Fleece" verifying his "washboard gold mining" theory.

Looking at the way the ancients built their cities, from Machu Picchu, to the pyramids of Egypt, Klarfeld's theory is that the Anunnaki built these giant, stone edifices to harvest gold from the nearby rivers. Sounds crazy, since we've been taught that Machu Picchu was built for crops, until you look at how we mine gold ourselves.

Klarfeld points out that every monument is built near a river, and according to Zacharia Stitchen, the Anunnaki came here to mine gold for their planet's atmosphere, and that the head of this operation was Enki, god of the waters.

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