Sunday, February 8, 2015

25 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies you can't deny

25 Stunning Bible Prophecies you can't deny. Daniel 12 Travel and the internet. Revelation 16 predicts the Ataturk Dam. Matthew 24 double prediction of end time deceivers. 2nd Thessalonians don't be deceived in any way. Isaiah 44 – King Cyrus. Ezekial 26 – Tyre. Revelation 11 – Global communications. 2Peter 3 ignorant of flood. Psalm 83 – All surrounding nations against Israel. Micah 5 - Bethlehem. Luke 21 Earthquake. 

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1 comment:

  1. A Nice presentation of Biblical myths, and I personally do not believe a word The so called prophesies are so hair fairy they could be made to fit any and all scenarios. But Hey everyone to his own superstition ! Christians denigrate me for my Atheism so as far as I am concerned I can reciprocate in kind, here goes. Christians are frightened children whose fear of death is so powerful they worship a mythical being who is a serial mass murdering Pedophile who violated a thirteen year old virgin girl Mary who gave birth to a bastard son Jesus/Joshua while Mary was still the bride of Joseph!
