Monday, January 5, 2015

World War 3 has Begun

 The war has begun!
Get ready for thermonuclear warfare!

Remember to watch in HD for MUCH better quality.
Don't forget to like and share!

Some more news not included in this video:

Nuclear Attack on Syria 2 -- May 11, 2013
The identification of the nuclear explosion can be confirmed by the lightning observed in the mushroom cloud cited discussed by Veteran's Today: Gordon Duff.
Nuclear Bomb Blast
"The fireball produces temperatures up to millions of degrees, shock waves similar to a large earthquake, flashes similar to lightning and intense radiation."
The use of a nuclear weapon has also been confirmed by the flash driving all spectrums of monitoring cameras into saturation.

Israel Nuclear Attack On Syria Confirmed -- May 07, 2013
"Analysis of the video from Syria proves it to be a nuclear air burst beyond all doubt.
Many people said the blast could not have been nuclear because the color was wrong. But a frame analysis of the exact frame that captured the initial blast proves the camera maxed out in all 3 color channels, which by itself proves the blast was nuclear."

The May 5, 2013 Israeli Nuclear Attack on Syria -- 55 Dead? Make That 10,000! -- - May 14, 2013
"Then Syria reported the complete loss of 2 entire military divisions, and the Aleppo airport to three huge blasts "of a weapons type they had not witnessed before".
So the real death count (could) be in the tens of thousands, and Syria might not even have a real military left."

TAKE NOTE: The video at the end of Obama kicking down the door is not related to the news flash before it... It just proves a point!

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