Monday, January 19, 2015

Webster Tarpley : Bonapartist Pro-War Leader David Petraeus Faces Indictment

 Webster Tarpley on United Front Radio - January 16, 2015

Former CIA boss and CENTCOM Commander Gen.David Petraeus, who resigned in disgrace in November 2012 after it was revealed he had transmitted top-secret information to his adoring campaign biographer and mistress, Paula Broadwell (on right). Despite huge efforts by McCain-faction Republicans, neocons and his fellow Bonapartists to keep him above the law, news reports indicate that Petraeus will soon be indicted under the Espionage Act of 1917, which has been widely used of late against leakers and whistleblowers. Petraeus’ close associate is Marine Gen. John Allen, who conducted a massive email correspondence with the garrison belle of CENTCOM in Tampa, the Lebanese-American socialite Jill Kelly. Will Allen, now the ISIS Czar, also be indicted?

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