Thursday, January 29, 2015




If you can believe media reports, Bill Gates is saving lives everywhere he goes, and everywhere his money reaches.

Just keep in mind that many of the media outlets reporting on the activities of the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation are anything but unbiased — in fact, they are directly sponsored with Gates Foundation grant money and/or partnership programs.

No wonder the coverage is so glowing that Gates, who frequently meets in secret with David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros and other billionaires to plan population control, is often literally portrayed as a superhero, saint and savior. Yet, Bill Gates real ties are to the eugenics agenda, including the fact that his father, Bill Gates, Sr., who co-chairs the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and shapes its priorities, was formerly a member of Planned Parenthoods national board.

A sponsored blog at ABC News, for example, was titled Be the Change: Save a Life, selling a crafted message that Gates is rescuing the poorer parts of the world. Another ABC News package brushed off conspiratorial notions about Gates secret billionaire population meetings, instead dubbing he and his wealthy cohorts as the comic heroes Superfriends.

Behind that façade — created in part with positively-worded paid media portrayals — Gates is part of a heavy-handed push to force GMO foods (whose patents are owned by Big Agra and Big Pesticide)

In just one shocking example, Indian doctors have alleged that polio vaccines pushed by the Gates-led GAVI alliance have paralyzed some 47,500 people.

However, when an Infowars reporter recently asked Bill Gates about the tragic side-effect of his global vaccination program, he avoided the question, once again deflecting to how many lives are saved through vaccines:

Even if you arent opposed to genetically modified crops (with all this information, how couldnt you be) and even if you like Bill Gates and his ventures (but with all this information, how could you), this latest should be enough to get you perturbed. And if you are anti-GMO and knowledgeable of the shady and questionable ways of the Gates Foundation, this latest story out of Africa will truly make your blood boil.

Image: Wikimedia Commons.

According to a recent statement from the African Centre for Biosafety (ACB), failed GM corn from Monsanto is now being pushed on African countries with help from the Gates Foundation. This maize, known as MON810, has been grown in South Africa for 15 years, where it failed miserably. But so as not to call the seed a complete waste, Monsanto and Bill Gates are now pushing it into countries like Mozambique, Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya—countries that need agricultural help.

In January 2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was Gods work. [1] Its not going to stop us succeeding, says Gates. It does force us to sit down with the Pakistan government to renew their commitments, see what theyre going to do in security and make changes to protect the women who are doing Gods work and getting out to these children and delivering the vaccine.
bill gates charity foundation vaccine depopulation bill and melissa gates foundation invention invent children kids success sickness population society autism u.s. doctor data finance united states usa study medicine lie lies truth parent mother baby world humanity money history future village woman 2013 2014 polio evil disease food education jobs employment health obamacare corporation cOn February 8, 2013, The Guardian reported that at least nine health workers administering the polio vaccinations in Nigeria were shot dead by gunmen thought to belong to radical an Islamist sect. The Guardian wrote:

towards immunisation drives in Nigeria, where some clerics have claimed the vaccines are part of a western plot to sterilise young girls and eliminate the Muslim population. [3]

They are right to be suspicious because it would not be the first time that vaccines were given with the intention of sterilizing women in the third world. In 1995, many third world countries were given a tetanus vaccine containing a birth control drug by the World Health OrganizationNext are two short excerpts from a recently filmed TED presentation (Feb 2010) by none other than Bill Microsoft Gate

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