Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Usury and the Rise of the Bankster

Usury And Banksters Are Just A Means To Enslave Us To Materialism - Morris

the only way you get out of this in my view is to stop exchanging your most valuable treasure... your labor! quit exchanging it for FRN's! why are you letting them tell you how much you are worth? we all support each other, a doctor is no more valuable than the guy who paves the road so the doctor can drive to the hospital, or the electrician who keeps the lights on so he can see what he's doing, or the tool maker that makes the scalpel he cuts with. and why are these elites charging us for anything? If you don't believe in God then you are just a slave who doesn't know you are a slave, anyway God gave Adam and Eve the Earth and everything in it to use, not sell, he didn't say he would pay them $10.00 an hour or sell the earth for $10k for thirty years He gave it freely and said to give freely. When you people get this and start living the Maxim do unto others as you would have them do unto you, love your brother as yourself. I know many of you hate yourself, why? time to awaken my friends, this system is going to collapse and that may be a good thing, praise the Lord for The Kingdom of God and it's enforcement are near!

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