Wednesday, January 28, 2015

TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA: The End of Religion and Review of Lab Rats

In this video, I take a look at an article by pro-transhumanist Dr. John G. Messerly, and critique his desire to end religion as we know it. For those who have discerning eyes will see immediately, that what Dr. Messerly is suggesting sounds identical to the Luciferian Doctrine and the promise made by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Some of the comments and statements made are as follows:

“If we survive and science progresses, we will manipulate the genome, rearrange the atom, and augment the mind. And if science defeats suffering and death, religion as we know it will die.Without suffering and death, religion will have lost its raison d’ĂȘtre. For who will pray for heavenly cures, when the cures already exist on earth? Who will die hoping for a reprieve from the gods, when science offers immortality? With the defeat of death, science and technology will have finally triumphed over superstition. Our descendents will know, once and for all, that they are stronger than imaginary gods…

As they continue to evolve our post-human progeny will become increasingly godlike. They will overcome human physical and psychological limitations, and achieve superintellgence, either by modifying their brains or interfacing with computers. While we can’t know this for sure, what we do know is that the future will not be like the past. From our perspective, if science and technology continue to progress, our offspring will come to resemble us about as much as we do the amino acids from which we sprang…

As our descendents distance themselves from their past, they will lose interest in the gods. Such primitive ideas may even be unthinkable for them. Today the gods are impotent, tomorrow they’ll be irrelevant. You may doubt this. But do you really think that in a thousand or a million years your descendents, travelling through an infinite cosmos with augmented minds, will find their answers in ancient scriptures? Do you really think that powerful superintelligence will cling to the primitive mythologies that once satisfied ape-like brains? Only the credulous can believe such things. In the future gods will exist … only if we become them…"

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