Monday, January 19, 2015

The Beast and his Mark Identified !

The Mark of the Beast: What it is & how to avoid it!

• Bible Prophecy Revealed: Mark of the Beast
• Buying & Selling restrictions for Yah's people
• SS#, RFID chips, bar codes, ... ?
• In the right hand, or in the forehead
• The number of the Beast | 666
• Heaven's last warning for inhabitants of Earth

The word for 'mark' in Revelation is the Greek word 'charagma'. It means a branding, or a scarification into the skin - literally. This is not a symbolic mark i.e. a day of the week. How can you possibly make the clear text of scripture to mean a day. Another slick, but false piece of Adventist propaganda. You sure are going to look like a bunch of idiots when you gullibly accept the true mark because you've been fooled by the stupid theology of your deceived leaders.

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1 comment:

  1. The mark of the beast is in your forehead to say your brain knowing that it is satan himself claiming hes Jesus at the 6th trump as it states in Rev.9:4 he satan can torment all those NOT having that seal of God in their forehead :5 tormented 5 months n coming sooner than you think. ..visit Shepherds Chapel n get some of our Fathers Truth
