Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Australian Forgotten Guantánamo

"Guantánamo of the Pacific": Australian Asylum Seekers Wage Hunger Strike at Offshore Detention Site - A massive hunger strike is underway at what some are calling "the Guantánamo Bay of the Pacific." The Manus Island detention center is paid for by the Australian government and run by an Australian contractor, Transfield Services, but located offshore on Papua New Guinea's soil. The inmates are not accused of any crimes — they are asylum seekers from war-ravaged countries who are waiting indefinitely for their refugee status determinations. They are asking the United Nations to intervene against the Australian federal government's plan to resettle them in Papua New Guinea, where they say they could face persecution. Some have barricaded themselves behind the detention center's high wire fences; others have resorted to increasingly drastic measures such as drinking washing detergent, swallowing razor blades, and even sewing their mouths shut to protest their confinement. We speak with Australian human rights lawyer Jennifer Robinson and Alex Kelly, a social justice filmmaker who organized a New York City vigil in solidarity with the Manus Island detainees.

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1 comment:

  1. The majority are country shoppers, who when picked up by our Navy know all their rights are well dressed have phones and money. The previous Australian Government left the sugar on the table these people are treated better than the citizens in this country if they are allowed in. The sugar has been taken off the table and they do not like it. Above all most do not integrate in the Australian society and bring their hatreds and bastardized religion here and expect us to change, that is why we are in the mess we are in now.
