Thursday, January 1, 2015

Surveillance State America 2015 -- Judge Andrew Napolitano

... And don't forget the funding for TSA, DHS, DOJ, IRS, FDA, EPA, DOE, NSA, ATF, FBI, CIA, etc., FEMA camps, Fusion centers, Secret Service, surveillance cameras & domestic data mining centers, smart meters, bullets for domestic use, mobile bulletproof check point booths, domestic drones,? pepper spray, tasers, riot gear, razor wire, military vehicles for domestic use, prisons & growing.

"Jefferson and Madison and William O. Douglas and everybody that took a stand for human liberty would be turning in their graves," roars Judge Andrew Napolitano about President Obama's decision to use drones on American citizens. The syndicated columnist, Fox News senior judicial analyst, and outspoken libertarian sat down with Reason TV's Nick Gillespie to discuss his new book, Suicide Pact:The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Assault on Civil Liberties. Napolitano discusses how presidents from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln to Woodrow Wilson to George W. Bush to Barack Obama have used war and domestics threats to massively increase the reach of the state. He also talks about the popularity of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who wrote the foreword to Suicide Pact, how his law students are increasingly skeptical of government invasion of privacy, and why he thinks his friend and TV sparring partner Jon Stewart is a actually a libertarian who just doesn't know it yet.
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