Saturday, January 10, 2015

Shootout Near Paris -- The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday January 9 2015: Kevin Booth

-- Date: 01/09/2015 --
-Today -
Alex covers the latest developments in the Paris shooting on this Friday, January 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show. The suspects have been reported killed by police, according to the Associated Press, after a massive shootout with police. At least five explosions were heard near the shootout. The terror attack has created a debate over the radical Islamization of Western countries, with many fearing it will lead to the loss of their respective cultures. In other news, a drug cartel reportedly placed a bounty on Texas Gov. Rick Perry's head and a fake terror group plans a "mass casualty attack" against the West. On today's show, filmmaker Kevin Booth talks to Alex about the failed War on Drugs and other trending topics. Tune in!

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