Saturday, January 17, 2015

Proof/Paris False Flag/Brothers Framed and Murdered

HE WAS NOT SHOT IN THE HEAD. With his soft armor on Kevlar vest he was supposedly shot twice, the 7.62X39 AK round would have went through this mans armor no problem, yet there is no blood. As gruesome as this sounds had he been shot in the head especially that close there would have been bone and brain matter all over the place with a very large pool of blood appearing instantly, the round would have continued on and taken multiple chunks of the sidewalk with it. This closes the issue for me as it was NOT REAL. Lastly why did the Police commander of over 20years shoot himself in the head the very next morning???? He was a career officer apparently trusted, as he passed his annual physical and psych evaluation as well he had numerous awards for service?? I do not know who is behind this crap but I'm just saying this stuff does not add up. Just My Opinion. Peace.

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