Friday, January 9, 2015


Paris FALSE FLAG EXPOSED: Clues, Motives & THE PATSY! Could the terror attack in Paris be the latest in a long line of state sponsored false flag events? Was this pay back for France daring to suggest to the world that Palestine be recognised by as a state? Why were the roads so quiet just after rush hour in central Paris? Why did we not see the 3rd suspect in any of the images? Why is there no blood when the police officer is assassinated? And then finally, the pasty emerges.... And all this at a time when anti-muslim feelings begin to run deep in Europe.. Tune in to this comprehensive breakdown of the shooting at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris

 Below are 6 points that should be considered when analyzing the Charlie Hebdo attacks.
1.) Reports suggest the attackers acted as if they had military training. Reports are confirmed that the alleged assailants did receive military training in Syria.
2.) The publication that was attacked has served to promote the strategy of tension in the past.
3.) France arms terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda
4.) France ordered aircraft carrier to the Gulf in order to “fight ISIS” nearly a full day before the attacks in France.
5.) Timing takes place after French government begins to show signs of opposing Russian sanctions and recognizing a Palestinian state.
6.) One of the attackers “left his ID” for the police to find.
Conclusion? Whatever the true nature of the Charlie Hebdo attacks may be – “blowback” or false flag – there is clearly much more to the story than what the mainstream press is printing and promoting.
Regardless, the only thing that we can know with absolute certainty is that the Charlie Hebdo attacks will be used as propaganda to the utmost effect by all Western and NATO governments in the push for further war abroad and an even greater police state at home.(credit rumormillnews)
I like the way you're always on these Jokers Redsilverj.TY. I say, Follow the money trail. Always.

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