Friday, January 9, 2015

PARIS ATTACK - Operation Well Organized, Had Military Training

 One of the French-born brothers who allegedly stormed the newsroom of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in the deadly rampage that left 12 dead is believed by U.S. and French intelligence to have received weapons training from an al Qaeda offshoot in Yemen, U.S. officials said Thursday. hostage situation print

The brother, Said Kouachi, was allegedly trained under the auspices of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula during 2011, the officials said, but there is so far no evidence the group directed, ordered or monitored the attack. “The attack was very complex. It was obviously less complex than 9/11 but it was tactically complex, that required planning, reconnaissance, logistics and support from above,” said Michael Flynn, a retired lieutenant general and former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. “They clearly rehearsed this attack.” Paris Terror Attacks Timed Perfectly
NSA whistleblower reveals his insight on Paris attack Following yesterday’s shocking murder of 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo headquarters, there has been much confusion and many rapidly moving parts in the hours that followed as authorities try to catch the two remaining killers, the 32 and 34-year old Kouachi brothers, after earlier the youngest of three French suspects turned himself in to police after, man huntDr. Steve Pieczenik about the Paris terror attack and what he believes was truly behind it as well as why the Dr. believes it was allowed to happen.

The gunmen who stormed the offices of the newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris “displayed a degree of skill and calmness that comes only from advanced military training,” The Telegraph reports. The observation begs the question: were the gunmen part of a military organization such as ISIS or sent by a government with a professionally trained military? They were also fully equipped for their murderous task. Photographs taken at the scene show two men clad entirely in black, their faces concealed by balaclavas. Each one is armed with an AK47 assault rifle. I strongly condemn the horrific shooting at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris that has reportedly killed 12 people. ID card eiffal tower attack They wear army-style boots and have a military appearance and manner. One of the men wears a sand-colored ammunition vest apparently stuffed with spare magazines. Some reports suggest that an attacker was also carrying a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

In 2011, the Charlie Hebdo offices were firebombed and its staff targeted with death threats after a series of cartoons were published. Although unconfirmed by the French, U.S. officials have told the media one suspect in the Charlie Hebdo attack was killed and two others are in custody. he blame for today’s barbaric attack in Paris can be partially laid at the feet of the PC-obsessed crowd for creating an environment in which criticism of Islam was characterized as ‘Islamophobia’.

“Privacy advocates now need to be sensitive that governments that lack power to defend us end up costing us our liberties in addition to our securities,” Hayden told Newsmax TV.

Hayden’s comment hints at the false claim that the NSA is “going dark,” when in reality the agency continues to grow at an exponential rate. Edward Snowden openly discussed this very issue during an interview with NBC last May, although his comments were conveniently archived online and excluded from the prime time airing.

‘If we’re missing things like the Boston Marathon bombings where all of these mass-surveillance systems, every domestic dragnet in the world, didn’t reveal guys that the Russian intelligence service told us about by name, is that really the best way to protect our country or are we trying to throw money at a magic solution that’s actually not just costing us our safety, but our rights and our way of life?” Snowden said.

The NSA was also one of countless government agencies that ignored literal mountains of information regarding the 9/11 attacks.
Thomas Drake, former NSA senior executive turned whistleblower, has repeatedly commented on NSA intelligence that would have “undoubtedly” stopped the 9/11 attacks.

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