Sunday, January 4, 2015

Oil Price Conspiracy : This is All You Need to Know

2015 Oil Price: What You Need to Know...Putin, Shale, & the Saudi's

The rise of demand for oil in this economy is very doubtful. Many people aren't working so there's no need to be driving to & fro, and people can't spend what they don't have. Besides, these lower oil prices were conjured up between the U.S. & the Saudi's to hurt Russia, Iran, and Venezuela in an attempt to bring them to their knees. But beware, there will be "blow-back". 

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

1 comment:

  1. irrelevant as is more media braiwash, however about texas yes it is the future of wall street so move walls treet to beaumont texas to survive split of america was predicted long ago. america has no future "BRAVE NEW WORLD has being updated end of america as a financial kingdom 2016........ like israel 1967 borders israel refuses to comply.. so it will taste a nasty surprise moses style. quite soon. not from humans but from above. so get ready. to run, as here is no OBAMA pope francis or abraham that can save you, not even jesus II....! or even the coming god that jews are waiting for.
