Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Obama plan for World War 3

 Russia has over 5000 nukes.  More than the rest of the world combined.  Putin is extremely aggressive and unstable - Nothing would surprise from either side.
But think about it!  Why would any person want a nuclear war?  What would anyone gain from this?  To survive the Holocaust and live a lone on a crispy burnt planet without any resources left?

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more


  1. WW# is not Obama 's plan! It is the plan of the money junky bankers ! Obama is just following orders!

  2. Obama osama is to blame entirely for his part - he has allowed what has taken place to date. He is a self-proclaimed communist and has actually stated in his Uni address that he "hated' Americans and what they stood for.
    Why would anyone have voted him in, for Presidency of the U.S.A. - he is an Indonesian citizen - go figure !!!

    1. Obama not only allowed plans to happen - he ENGINEERED them !!! to destroy the U.S. economy and bring the America down - the founding father's would be turning in their graves at such abomination.
