Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nuclear Power is not Cheap and is not Safe -- Arnie Gundersen

Chances of ANOTHER Nuclear Meltdown Once EVERY 1 to 7 Years w/ Arnie Gundersen

5 views Published on Jan 27, 2015 What are the 4 myths the nuclear industry wants you to believe? - See more at: http://www.fairewinds.org/4-myths-nuc... January 16th, 2014 In order to produce more nuclear electricity, the nuclear corporations and proponents need you to believe that nuclear power is safe, no one has ever died or become ill from nuclear power accidents, nuclear power will counteract global warming, and it is the cheapest form of power. Listen to Fairewinds’ Arnie Gundersen tell you the truth about these myths. The first myth is that nuclear power is safe and that there is no risk. There have been 5 meltdowns during the last 35 years, or in other words: one meltdown every 7 years. If all the coal and oil plants worldwide were replaced with nuclear power plants, the math shows that we could expect one meltdown every year! Is that a risk you are willing to take? The second myth is that no one has died as a result of nuclear accidents. The truth is that as many as one million people have already died from radiation releases due to nuclear power plants, without counting any of the radiation induced deaths expected from Fukushima. In his landmark cancer study following the Three Mile Island accident, epidemiologist Dr. Steve Wing definitively showed that there were significant cancers. You can check out Dr. Wing’s full presentation at the Pennsylvania Statehouse on the 30th anniversary of the TMI on Fairewinds’ website. • As many as 1,000,000 people have died in Chernobyl according to Dr. Alexey Yablokov in his book Chernobyl- Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment. Worse yet, in an effort to hide that truth, key Soviet scientists were thrown in jail when they published Chernobyl mortality data indicating Cesium caused heart deformities in young children. Jailing scientists and destroying data that proved illness and death does not mean that nuclear power radiation induced deaths and illnesses did not occur. Maggie and I discussed this brave scientist and other whistleblowers around the world in our recent presentation at Clarkson University, which is also featured on Fairewinds’ website. The third myth nuclear proponents want you to believe is that nuclear power is the only feasible alternative to stop global warming. Again, not true. The fourth and final myth the nuclear corporations want you to believe is that nuclear power is cheap. In fact the cost of a world full of nuclear power plants is prohibitive, and would leave less money to fund real carbon reduction. New nuclear plants in Georgia, South Carolina and the UK will charge twice as much for nuclear electricity as other energy sources. Former NRC commissioner Peter Bradford, who served on the Commission during the TMI said, “Trying to solve global warming by building nuclear power plants is like trying to solve global hunger by serving everyone caviar.” - See more at: http://www.fairewinds.org/4-myths-nuc...

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