Sunday, January 25, 2015

Life on Mars: NASA Finds New Evidence ?

Incredible mysterious photo shows 'workman fixing space craft' on Mars
Is there life on Mars? Now those who believe there is life on Mars claim to have proof in the form of a set of photos from the Red Planet. Pictures, released by NASA, were taken by the Mars Curiosity Rover which is currently scouring the planet for signs of life. It shows what conspiracy theorists reckon is a 'workman' who appears to be fixing the craft. They say the shadow of a 'human-like' figure can be seen leaning over the space probe and carrying out repairs. It appears as if he is wearing a suit and and air tank, similar to those worn by human astronauts, however crucially he has no helmet. However scientists have poured cold water on the idea saying it is a figment of people's imaginations.

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1 comment:

  1. Christians will be rapturerd before the coming of Christ. Jesus told us that we were not appointed to his wrath. So, there are some holes in your theory.
