Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kurt Haskell : Paris Attack A Mossad Operation ?

 Alex Jones talks with underwear bomber whistleblower Kurt Haskell about who he believes is behind the Paris attack and what motivated it.

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  1. It's always the Jews fault blame everything on the Jews last man to do that was Hitler that didn't end well lets blame the ails of the world on Jews sure we might as well

  2. Stephen, No space here for much explanation.
    But Nethanyahu, Askhenazi, Khazars, Zionists, are the most evil forcé to ever crawl on the face of earth.
    Satan incarnate wants to rule the world from Jersulem, and yes I DO BLAME EVERYTHING ON THE JEWS.
    Historically, as now today. I studied everything in history available, Now I understand. Khazars are our nemesis
