Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jim Rickards : 25-Year Depression is About to Strike America

We’ve got another whistleblower in the CIA. But this time, it’s not the kind of report you might expect from the spy agency. Jim Rickards used to serve as an advisor for Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare. It’s a fancy name for strategy. How to use government tactics to influence global change. You might recognize his name. He’s the author of two best selling books: Currency Wars and The Death of Money.

In a recent article, Rickards suggests the Federal Reserve is covering up a massive debt crisis. In fact, he says the same computer model he developed for the CIA to predict attacks around the world, that system “Project Prophecy” tells him that the Federal Reserve is doing what they can to keep the public “in the dark” about a 100 TRILLION dollar meltdown. A massive financial collapse. On his website, Rickards calls it an “unavoidable catastrophe.”

During a recent radio interview, Rickards pointed to a recurring trend he found in the international Monetary System.

Even though the Dollar is trading against the Euro at the highest point than at any time in the last ten years, Rickards still says there is room for concern. Especially because comparing currency to the Euro doesn’t mean the same thing as it once did. Other signs of cheap oil and a global economic slowdown point toward a coming crisis that could challenge the average American’s financial resolve.

Historically, the Swiss franc has been one of the most stable currencies in the global markets. But just earlier this month, the Swiss central bank split apart from their currency ceiling with the Euro, sending it for a sharp nosedive. The Swiss central bankers and financial analysts clearly sense some kind of change in the wind, but right up until the announcement, they kept their cards very close to the vest. Several top European officials said they were very insulted that they didn’t even get so much as a heads up that such a dramatic change was coming.

Now the Euro is plummeting, the Dollar isn’t very far behind, and the global markets are full of world leaders, nervously feeling each other out, and looking for solid ground in a global economy based unstable Fiat currencies. One thing is for certain - they're harvesting precious metals found INSIDE solid ground. Keep your eyes on China, India, Brazil and Russia they’re all purchasing record amounts of gold. 

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